Asterisk VoIP News

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Announce: QueueMetrics 1.0 released!!

It is with great pride that we announce the availability of QueueMetrics version 1.0.

QueueMetrics 1.0 adds new error-handling features that are meant to make your user experience as smooth as possible. It also adds a JDBC testing module that spots common setup problems and helps finding them. The realtime engine was modified for better responsiveness and the memory usage of the system was improved, in order to run even larger analyses.

QueueMetrics 1.0 allows data storage on both flat files and MySQL databases for bigger call centers. And of course comes with a 64-page user manual that covers all aspects of it.

So it is time to upgrade your systems to version 1.0. And would like your feedback too: what would you like to be in the next releases? We plan to vastly improve the realtime panel as the number one priority. But you use QueueMetrics every day, so we would like to hear from you on how the product can be improved.

The latest version of QM can be download from:
Click Here for More Information

lorenzo emilitri
Loway Research